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Links / Earth Sciences
Canada’s Spotted Lake
Located near the city of Osoyoos in British Columbia, Canada’s Spotted Lake draws visitors from around the world.
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Rating: 2.9 / 5 (2726 votes)
Corrupt Officials Pose Danger to Forests
Forest officials are fudging data, hiding facts, sidestepping laws, overlooking violations and finding ways of clearing even projects that are dangerous for forests, three non-official members on the statutory Forest Advisory Committee have revealed.
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Rating: 2.9 / 5 (2744 votes)
Arctic May Be Ice Free Within 30 Years
Global warming has been melting Arctic sea ice for the past 30 years at a rate of about 3% per decade on average. But the two new data sets suggest that, if current trends continue, a largely ice-free Arctic in summer months is likely within 30 years.
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Rating: 2.9 / 5 (2707 votes)
EPA Knowingly Allowed Pesticide Lethal To Bees
An EPA document was leaked to a Colorado beekeeper. This document ( worth the read ) shows that the EPA ignored warnings about the widespread use of clothianidin, a a bee-toxic pesticide produced by Bayer.
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Rating: 2.9 / 5 (2723 votes)
Coal Ship Runs Aground, Destroys Reef
A ship carrying coal has run aground in a marine sanctuary in the southern Philippines, destroying a large section of the protected reef in the process.
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Rating: 2.9 / 5 (2727 votes)
Arctic Coast Eroding Faster Than Expected
The arctic coast is eroding up to 8 metres a year in some places.This has significant implications for the ecosystem and economic and social life of the north.
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Rating: 2.9 / 5 (2828 votes)
13,000 Year Old Oak Tree
This ancient oak began growing around the end of the last ice age, and has survived via cloning to this date.
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Rating: 2.9 / 5 (2707 votes)