Advertising Opportunities
Want to make a difference to our planet or get the word out about your product/service?
Educated Earth offers a diverse range of advertisement opportunities, from text links in our side panels to product placement in our productions.
Our network recieves an average of ~200,000 pageviews a month, from over 220 countries and territories (although ~60% reside in the USA).
We also have advertisement opportunities available on our other websites (email us for details).
Conventional Advertising:
- Navigation Text Links
- Static link
- Shows up on every page of the site
- Either under the login box or on the opposite module.
- Must be under 25 characters including spaces
- $25/month* (you can order this automatically below)
- Large font text link above every video
- Static link
- Shows up above every video (over 1800 in total!)
- Must be under 35 characters including spaces.
- $100/month*
- Content Plugs
- Ensure your content makes it into our links section
- Daily, weekly, monthly rates are available
- Contact admin [at] for more information.
Non-Conventional Advertising:
- Sponsorship of our contests
- Product Placement in our productions (See: SmashMyWii for an example of our videos)
Please contact the webmaster at: admin [at] for more information. If you are interested in cross-promotions or alternative advertisement methods, just let us know.
Buy Navigation Text Link ($25/month) |
*All prices quoted in USD.